" Make yourself as an explorer, then the world will be your handheld with yourself "

Senin, 28 Maret 2016


Ambiguity or fallacy of ambiguity is a word, phrase, or statement which contains more than one meaning.
Ambiguous words or statements lead to vagueness and confusion, and shape the basis for instances of unintentional humor. For instance, it is ambiguous to say “I rode a black horse in red pajamas,” because it may lead us to think the horse was wearing red pajamas. The sentence becomes clear when it is restructured “Wearing red pajamas, I rode a black horse.”
Similarly, same words with different meanings can cause ambiguity e.g. “John took off his trousers by the bank.” It is funny if we confuse one meaning of “bank” which is a building, to another meaning, being “an edge of a river”. Context usually resolves any ambiguity in such cases.

Ambiguity is when the meaning of a word, phrase, or sentence is uncertain. There could be more than one meaning.
Typically, it is best to avoid ambiguity in your writing. When you make statements that are ambiguous, you confuse the reader and hinder the meaning of the text. However, sometimes ambiguity is used deliberately to add humor to a text.

Common Ambiguity Examples
Below are some common examples of ambiguity:
  • A good life depends on a liver – Liver may be an organ or simply a living person.
  • Foreigners are hunting dogs – It is unclear whether dogs were being hunted or foreigners are being spoken of as dogs.
  • Each of us saw her duck – It is not clear whether the word “duck” refers to an action of ducking or a duck that is a bird.
  • The passerby helps dog bite victim – Is the passerby helping a dog bite someone? Or is he helping a person bitten by a dog? It’s not clear.

Examples of Ambiguity:

Sarah gave a bath to her dog wearing a pink t-shirt.
Ambiguity: Is the dog wearing the pink t-shirt?
I have never tasted a cake quite like that one before!
Ambiguity: Was the cake good or bad?
Did you see her dress?
Ambiguity: Is she getting dressed or are they talking about her clothes?

References :

Senin, 21 Maret 2016

Denotation and connotation in semantics

If you want to discuss the meaning of a word, it helps to know the difference between denotation andconnotation. These two terms are easy to confuse because they describe related concepts. Additionally, both denotation and connotation stem from the Latin word notāre, meaning “to note.”

The denotation of a word or phrase is its explicit or direct meaning. Another way to think of it is as the associations that a word usually elicits for most speakers of a language, as distinguished from those elicited for any individual speaker because of personal experience.

The connotation of a word or phrase is the associated or secondary meaning; it can be something suggested or implied by a word or thing, rather than being explicitly named or described.

For example, the words home and house have similardenotations or primary meanings: a home is “a shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household,” and a house is “a building in which people live.” However, for many, these terms carry different associations or secondary meanings, also known asconnotations. Many people would agree that homeconnotes a sense of belonging and comfort, whereashouse conveys little more than a structure.

The konotasi dari sebuah kata tergantung pada konteks budaya dan asosiasi pribadi, tetapi denotasi dari sebuah kata arti standar yang dalam bahasa Inggris.Salah satu cara untuk mengingat perbedaan antara istilah adalah untuk mengambil petunjuk dari prefiks:con - berasal dari bahasa Latin dan berarti "bersama-sama; dengan, "mengingatkan kita bahwa konotasi dari kata bekerja dengan atau di samping makna atau lebih eksplisit denotasi .

Denotation and Connotation in indonesian

Makna denotasi adalah makna yang sesuai dengan hasil observasi menurut penglihatan, penciuman, pendengaran, perasaan atau pengalaman lainnya. Makan denotasi sering juga disebut sebagai makna sesungguhnya.

Example denotation:
a. Anak yang berbaju itu ternyata bodoh.
    Bodoh = kurang pandai (tanpa ada perasaan tertentu).

b. Ia selalu merenung semenjak kematian ayahnya.
    Mati (tanpa disertai perasaan hormat atau merendahkan).

Makna konotasi : makna tambahan terhadap makna dasarnya berupa nilai rasa tertentu, misalnya perasaan hormat, kesal atau merendahkan. Makna konotasi tidak sama dengan makna kiasan.

Makna konotasi dan denotasi muncul dari pasangan kata yang bersinonim. Makna konotasi ada yang positif dan ada yang negatif.

Makna Konotasi dibagi menjadi 2 macam, yaitu;
1. Konotasi positif merupakan kata yang memiliki makna yang dirasakan baik dan lebih sopan
2. Konotasi negatif merupakan kata yang bermakna kasar atau tidak sopan.

Examples connotation positive and negative :

a. Ia memang anak yang tolol, kecewa aku berteman dengannya.
    Tolol = sangat bodoh, membuat jengkel dan kesal (negatif)

b. Bandar narkoba itu akhirnya tewas bunuh diri.
    Tewas : mati karena suatu sebab yang kurang baik

c. Pahlawan tak dikenal gugur di medan perang.
    Gugur = mati untuk membela bangsa dan negara diikuti nilai rasa penghormatan (positif).




Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Definition Euphemism, types and examples Euphemism

What is Euphemism?

Euphemism is one of part from figure of speech and in Indonesian language can say is “efemisme”
Euphemism is a polite expression used in a word or phrase that may be rude or unpleasant for the hearing or even disrespectful that will be used in the language by one person to the other person or reverse it.
because in a lot have a rule of rules and the way how a person to communicate and those who will accept the language to understand what purpose language that conveyed to him, because that language is a communication tool that is key in use by humans either oral and written.

there is some purpose in use figure of speech is Euphemism and along with examples :

1. Memakai euphemism untuk bersikap sopan:
A: "You are between jobs now." [A: Elo lagi menganggur sekarang.)
Si A memakai "between jobs" untuk menggantikan kata "unemployed". Dalam kasus ini, mengganggur bukan hal yang tabu, offensive, atau direndahkan, tetapi untuk beberapa orang ini bisa menjadi isu yang sensitif.
Mungkin si A mau mengucapkannya lebih halus untuk gak nyinggung lawan bicaranya.

2. Memakai euphemism untuk hiasan supaya bahasanya lebih 'tinggi':
"Don't expectorate in the sinks." [Jangan meludah di wastafel.]
Kata "expectorate" di sini sebenernya sama aja kayak our common word "spit". Kita menggunakan kata "expectorate" untuk hiasan aja, soalnya bahasanya terkesan lebih 'tinggi' gitu.
Euphemism tipe bahasa 'tinggi' ini dinamakan "genteelism". Hati-hati menggunakan genteelism secara berlebihan soalnya bikin bahasa lo terlalu dibuat-buat dan terlalu verbose (verbose = menggunakan bahasa terlalu berlebihan dari yang dibutuhkan).

3. Memakai euphemism untuk nutupin makna aslinya yang super kotor (saking makna aslinya gak bisa dibikin sopan):
"The army has neutralized the people in that area." [Pasukan bersenjata telah membunuh orang-orang di area tersebut.]
Nah di sini kita memakai kata "neutralized" untuk menggantikan kata "murdered, killed". Makna aslinya udah gak bisa lagi dibikin sopan, hasilnya diganti sama kata yang lebih halus aja.

Types Euphemism

Untuk Melembutkan Ekspresi
Beberapa euphemism digunakan untuk membuat kebenaran yang kurang menyenangkan tampak lebih lembut.
Contoh euphemism yang termasuk dalam kategori ini antara lain:
Menggunakan Passed away daripada died untuk menyatakan kematian
Menggunakan Correctional facility daripada jail untuk menyatakan penjara
Menggunakan Departed daripada died untuk menyatakan mati

Euphemisms yang Digunakan untuk Menjadi Sopan
Euphemism lain digunakan untuk menggantikan kata-kata atau frasa yang Anda mungkin tidak ingin mengatakan dalam bentuk sopan.
Contoh euphemism yang termasuk dalam kategori ini antara lain:
Menggunakan Adult entertainment daripada pornography untuk menyatakan pornografi
Menggunakan Adult beverages daripada beer atau liquor untuk menyatakan minuman keras

Euphemisms yang Digunakan untuk Menjadi tidak Sopan
Dalam beberapa kasus, euphemism sengaja dibuat lebih menjijikkkan atau kurang menyenangkan untuk mengatakan sesuatu. Ini biasanya digunakan ketika orang sedang menyindir atau mencoba untuk menerangkan suatu subjek.
Contoh euphemism yang termasuk dalam kategori ini antara lain:
Menggunakan Kick the bucket daripada die untuk menyatakan kematian
Menggunakan Blow chunks daripada vomited untuk menyatakan muntah

References :

Cerita motto hidup

Cerita tentang motto hidup

“  Make yourself as an explorer, Then the world will be your handheld with yourself “

berawal dari beberapa penggalan kata motto diatas banyak sebuah cerita yang pernah terjadi dan akan terjadi disuatu hari nanti dalam hidup saya.

Karena saya lebih tipe sesorang yang suka bepertualang dalam kehidupan saya sendiri dari pertama saya berada di bangku sekolah menengah kejuruan sampai sekarang telah menanamkan sebuah motto
“  Make yourself as an explorer, Then the world will be your handheld with yourself “
Yang mempunyai arti yang sangat dalam dalam kehidupan saya yaitu sebuah pertualangan yang saya lakukan sendiri dari bangku sekolah demi tujuan untuk mengapai impian yang bisa mengenggam dunia dengan tangan saya sendiri dengan perjuangan yang tanpa menyerah dan tampa mengenal lelah dari wajah saya yang akan berpetualang di dunia ini demi sebuah harapan yang telah saya planing dari semenjak kecil.

Berawal dari sebuah perjalanan kecil saya dari sebuah kampung halaman menuju sebuah kota yang besar yaitu kota pekanbaru dimana dikota ini lah saya melanjutkan hidup saya
Untuk mengapai sebuah cita cita sebelum saya pernah mentap di sebuah kota yang berbeda juga. Di pekanbaru ini lah saya selalu melakukan perjuangan baik menjelajah sebuah harapan pekerjaan, lingkungan,kelurga baru dan kota yang baru yang sangat berbeda dengan kota sebelumnya.dimana di kota ini juga saya melanjutkan bangku kuliah serta sambil bekerja,tanpa mengenal sebuah kata menyerah dalam pikiran saya dalam menjalankan dua profesi yang berbeda ini disitu saya dituntut sangat profesional menjalankanya.

Walapun saya sempat mengalami ganggur selama 1 tahun setelah lulus bangku sekolah menengah kejuran tidak masuk bangku kuliah, tetapi itu tidak mengecilkan semangat saya untuk tidak akan kuliah. Saat ini saya telah buktikan bahwa saya bisa kuliah dan bekerja. Maka dalam motto tersebut saya akan menjelajah dunia ini dan akan menggenggap dunia ini dengan tangan saya sendiri kelaknya. Amin ya ALLAH.....!!!

Senin, 07 Maret 2016

Euphemism : Euphemism Definition,Techniques for Creating Euphemism,Function of Euphemism,Types of Euphemisms.


Euphemism Definition

The term euphemism refers to polite, indirect expressions which replace words and phrases considered harsh and impolite or which suggest something unpleasant.
Euphemism is an idiomatic expression which loses its literal meanings and refers to something else in order to hide its unpleasantness. For example, “kick the bucket” is a euphemism that describes the death of a person. In addition, many organizations use the term “downsizing” for the distressing act of “firing” its employees.

A euphemism /ˈjufəˌmɪzəm/ is a generally innocuous word or expression used in place of one that may be found offensive or suggest something unpleasant.[1] Some euphemisms are intended to amuse; while others use bland, inoffensive terms for things the user wishes to downplay. Euphemisms are used to refer to taboo topics (such as disability, sex, excretion, and death) in a polite way, or to mask profanity.[2]
There are three antonyms of euphemism: dysphemism, cacophemism, and loaded language. Dysphemism can be either offensive or merely ironic; cacophemism is deliberately offensive. Loaded language evokes a visceral response beyond the meaning of the words. (WikipediA)

Techniques for Creating Euphemism
Euphemism masks a rude or impolite expression but conveys the concept clearly and politely. Several techniques are employed to create euphemism.
  • It may be in the form of abbreviations e.g. B.O. (body odor), W.C. (toilet) etc.
  • Foreign words may be used to replace an impolite expression e.g. faux (fake), or faux pas (foolish error) etc.
  • Sometimes, they are abstractions e.g. before I go (before I die).
  • They may also be indirect expressions replacing direct ones which may sound offensive e.g. rear-end, unmentionables etc.
  • Using longer words or phrases can also mask unpleasant words e.g. flatulence for farting, perspiration for sweat, mentally challenged for stupid etc.
  • Using technical terms may reduce the rudeness exhibited by words e.g. gluteus maximus.
  • Deliberately mispronouncing an offensive word may reduce its severity e.g. darn, shoot etc. 

Function of Euphemism

Euphemism helps writers to convey those ideas which have become a social taboo and are too embarrassing to mention directly. Writers skillfully choose appropriate words to refer to and discuss a subject indirectly which otherwise are not published due to strict social censorship e.g. religious fanaticism, political theories, sexuality, death etc. Thus, euphemism is a useful tool that allows writers to write figuratively about the libelous issues.

Types of Euphemisms

1.      To Soften an Expression - Some euphemisms are used to make a blunt or obnoxious truth seem less hard.
  • Passed away instead of died
  • Differently-abled instead of handicapped or disabled
  • Relocation center instead of prison camp
2.      Euphemisms to be Polite - Some euphemisms are used to take the place of words or phrases one might not want to say in polite circle.
  • Adult beverages instead of beer or liquor
  • Big-boned instead of heavy or overweight
  • Vertically-challenged instead of short
3.      Euphemisms to be Impolite - euphemisms are intentionally a callous or insensitive way of saying something. These euphemisms are usually used when being sarcastic or trying to make light of a serious subject or make it seem less serious.
  • Bit the dust instead of died
  • Blow chunks instead of vomited
  • Bit the farm instead of died
Euphemism Examples in Everyday Life
Euphemism is frequently used in everyday life. Let us look at some common euphemism examples:
  • You are becoming a little thin on top (bald).
  • Our teacher is in the family way (pregnant).
  • He is always tired and emotional (drunk).
  • We do not hire mentally challenged (stupid) people.
  • You aren’t poor, you are (economically disadvantaged).

Reference :

Motto hidup

 Make yourself as an explorer, Then the world will be your handheld with yourself

I'll tell you a little about a little motto that I created with his own. that we know of the motto there are two key words that I take are "
Explorers" and "World" these two words really have a close relationship in which the world must be in roaming.

I found the motto of life is not much of an experience of life experience that I went through to the present day, both in my own life as well as the experiences of the lives of people around me.
because of that why I chose the principle of living motto "
Make yourself as an explorer, Then the world will be your handheld with yourself," other than is to foster the spirit of my life to further explore the world is good in life and my future will be. With strength and abstinence surrender I bear in my heart that I could do it.

that I believe the world is going to be my handheld with my own hands would not be separated from the spirit I needed and create happiness to myself and to my family.

The world will be my handheld with exploration that I will make

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