" Make yourself as an explorer, then the world will be your handheld with yourself "

" Make yourself as an explorer, then the world will be your handheld with yourself "

Senin, 30 Mei 2016

explanation about simile

Explanation about SIMILE

Simile Definition

A simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison, showing similarities between two different things. Unlike a metaphor, a simile draws resemblance with the help of the words “like” or “as”. Therefore, it is a direct comparison.

Common Examples of Simile

  • Our soldiers are as brave as lions.
  • Her cheeks are red like a rose.
  • He is as funny as a monkey.
  • The water well was as dry as a bone.
  • He is as cunning as a fox.

Function of Simile

From the above discussion, we can infer the function of similes both in our everyday life as well as in literature. Using similes attracts the attention and appeals directly to the senses of listeners or readers encouraging their imagination to comprehend what is being communicated. In addition, it inspires life-like quality in our daily talks and in the characters of fiction or poetry. Simile allows readers to relate the feelings of a writer or a poet to their personal experiences. Therefore, the use of similes makes it easier for the readers to understand the subject matter of a literary text, which may have been otherwise too demanding to be comprehended. Like metaphors, similes also offer variety in our ways of thinking and offers new perspectives of viewing the world.

Similes vs. Metaphors

Similes are often confused with metaphors, which are another type of figurative language used by poets, songwriters and rappers alike. But instead of using the language of comparison the way similes do, metaphors describe things as if they were something else.

Where Can We Find Similes?

Similes are abundant in poetry, fiction and even song lyrics. You can also find similes in many popular advertisements, such as Chevrolet’s “Like a Rock” slogan. However, many popular similes are cliches — overused phrases that sound a little bit corny and trite

How Can We Use Similes?

Using similes in a story, poem, song or even an academic project can help engage your reader and make your writing a lot more fun!

What’s the Difference between a Simile and a Metaphor?

Metaphors simply state a comparison. Similes use the words “like” or “as” to compare things. Because they both make comparisons, all similes are metaphors, but not all metaphors are similes.

Here are some examples of similes and metaphors:
Life is like a box of chocolates. (Simile)
My life is an open book. (Metaphor)
That baby is as cute as a button! (Simile)
Baby, you’re a firework. (Metaphor)

Concluded simile 

A simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison, showing similarities between two different things.
Function simile is Using similes attracts the attention and appeals directly to the senses of listeners or readers encouraging their imagination to comprehend what is being communicated

Similes vs. Metaphors is But instead of using the language of comparison the way similes do, metaphors describe things as if they were something else.

You can find Similes are abundant in poetry, fiction and even song lyrics. You can also find similes in many popular advertisements, such as Chevrolet’s “Like a Rock” slogan.

Using similes in a story, poem, song or even an academic project.
Metaphors simply state a comparison. Similes use the words “like” or “as” to compare things.

References :

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32 komentar:

  1. nice blog, give me example in our life.. thanks

    1. Thanks for visit my blog putri rahmadani,thanks too give me an comment in my material about simile... Ok before i answer your comment i should reply about defenition simile to understand again about that simile, simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison, showing similarities between two different things.i give example simile in our life. Example "Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep” : Hidup itu seperti bawang merah, kita kupas satu lapisan demi lapisan, dan kadang-kadang kita menangis dibuatnya. Dont forget the keys of simile " like and as" okk thankss putri i hope u undertand in my give example for u and hope too u get more knowledge in my blog. Thankss u so muchh.

    2. Thanks for visit my blog putri rahmadani,thanks too give me an comment in my material about simile... Ok before i answer your comment i should reply about defenition simile to understand again about that simile, simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison, showing similarities between two different things.i give example simile in our life. Example "Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep” : Hidup itu seperti bawang merah, kita kupas satu lapisan demi lapisan, dan kadang-kadang kita menangis dibuatnya. Dont forget the keys of simile " like and as" okk thankss putri i hope u undertand in my give example for u and hope too u get more knowledge in my blog. Thankss u so muchh.

    3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. Good blog, can you give me example simile on the movie? Thanks

    1. okk thanks u so much mayani, thanks u too to visit my blogs, and give a time to read my artical, okk may i will answer your question aobut my material is example simile on the movie, possible i will answer base on novel, i dont find in the movie, i hope u beliave is many movie adaptation of the novel, like the movie the muze runner. this my answer

      The Radley Place fascinated Dill. In spite of our warnings and explanations it drew him as the moon draws water, but drew him no nearer than the light-pole on the corner, a safe distance from the Radley gate.

      (To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee)

      The classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee centers around the tragedy of Boo Radley, a man falsely accused for a crime. This evocative simile at the beginning of the novel somewhat foreshadows the main characters’ relation to Boo: the children Scout and Jem are fascinated by him as well as terrified of him. This fascination and terror draws their friend Dill “as the moon draws water,” an allusion to the way the presence of the moon changes the tides. ookk may i hope u understand for my answer

  3. Simile is comparison, do u think someone will feel hurt if compared ?

    1. okkk indah, thanks for visit my blog n question, i try to answer u question do u think someone wil feel hurt if compared.

      yess, we or she or they feel do, The actual figure of speech simile every country n every person uses her unwitting before her, surely we should be able to also find out if someone is using a figure of speech simile what not and we know that his key words emphasis on intonation, and using words like or as. thanks indah i hope u understand.

  4. What the function of simile in advertisement???

    1. thanks yen to visit my blog and leave me question, i try to answer u question:

      Majas Simile is one type of figure of speech that is included in the category of metaphor or a comparison figure of speech. Simile is a figure of speech comparing one thing with another by connecting words or word comparators where these two things are different but have the same properties or characteristics.

      function figure of speech simile in the advertisement is the way a company to Promote its products both in magazines, newspapers, banners or otherwise, to her wearing a figure of speech simile yes it to attract someone or customers to purchase products advertised by using comparisons such as like or as, usually found in soaps and cosmetics ads.

  5. From your explanation, "Using similes in a story, poem, song or even an academic project.", give a simile example's on Academic Project... Thank you...

  6. nice blog ajo:) please give me sentence example simile in narrative text? thank you

    1. ok rici, thanks for visit my blog and thanks too in your leave question in my blog i wanna to try answer your question :

      narative text example:
      finding farmers magic box

      Once upon a time... In the afternoon, there was a poor farmer. He lives with his wife, One day, he dug his field and found a very large box. He then store them in their homes. One sunny morning, she dropped apples in the box. Suddenly, the box gets filled with apples. No matter how many apples were taken out, more apples going on inside the box. One day, forming dropping gold coins into the box.

      Simultaneously, Apple began to disappear and the box full of gold coins. Farmer soon became rich. After hearing that his son became wealthy, forming a father visiting couples. His father was not very strong. He could not go out to work again. So the farmer asked his old father to help him take the gold coins out of the box. His father worked hard, took the gold coins out of the box. When he was told that he was very tired and wanted to rest, the farmer yelled to him, Why are you so lazy Why can not you work harder old man said nothing and continued to work long Suddenly? Man fell into the box, he died.

      AS WELL AS GOLD ( this is use simile rici ) coins began to disappear and the box is filled with the dead. The former should be pulled out and buried. To do this, farmers have to spend all the money that had been collected earlier. When he had spent all his money, broke the box. The farmer was ugly as before, terrible ending.

  7. Nice blog . Can u explain to me what is the differences between simile and parables figure of speech or association??? Thank u jo

    1. okk thanks kha for u visit my blog and leave question too, i try to answer u question :

      A simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison, showing similarities between two different things. Unlike a metaphor, a simile draws resemblance with the help of the words “like” or “as”. Therefore, it is a direct comparison.

      the parable - a short narrative using metaphor and symbolism to illustrate a moral point - has been used since long before his time.

      Parables like those in the bible or the holy books of Buddhism demonstrate the tendency of these stories to be largely religious in nature. Nevertheless, some, such as those used by Socrates and other Greek thinkers of the 5th century B.C. on, appear in a philosophical or other secular context. The word 'parable' itself is derived from the Greek paraballein, and three alternative meanings of this verb can help demonstrate some of the narrative's characteristics:

      To set beside or parallel with: Parables make excellent teaching tools because they use metaphors and symbolic imagery that are easily recognizable to the audience. As a result, a teller can convey highly complex moral truths in a way that is readily understandable and relatable to one's own life. This is especially useful for philosophers like Socrates who notoriously deal with complicated subjects. These short instructional narratives are then inserted alongside more intricate philosophical arguments in order to serve as a verbal illustration of the point.
      To compare one with another: Most parables present two (but sometimes more) scenarios from which the protagonist and the audience must choose. In this way, the listener becomes an active participant in arriving at the moral point that is being illustrated.
      To direct one's course towards: The entire purpose of the parable is to help audiences understand a moral or other philosophical issue in more relatable terms. By guiding the audience to comprehension of the point at hand, the teller can then better lead them toward applying the principle in their everyday lives.

      Now that we've seen what they are and what they do, let's take a look at some parables from a variety of religious and philosophical traditions.

  8. Nice blog . Can u explain to me what is the differences between simile and parables figure of speech or association??? Thank u jo

  9. Hy ido, nice article. Could u explain tu me why we used simile? Thank u^^

    1. okk kenny thanks for visit nand leave me question, i wanna to try to answer u question :

      of course in every country and people without realizing have used a simile, to her yes it for benchmarking something by having a common goal and a common purpose and can influence the person, simile much in use people in literature, movie, song, and others to make people interested and make one to think about what purpose that would convey or in writing. let alone us is around a student in linguistics, then we have to study it in depth. thanks kenny g

  10. nice blog,,,why do we learn simile? and what to do with semantic? please you explain,,,thank u":)

    1. thanks hawanda for visit and leave question too i wanna to try answer u quetion:

      certainly his simile is one material in semantic, because the semantics is the science of language, and we should study it in depth,, because we are a language student.

      of course in every country and people without realizing have used a simile, to her yes it for benchmarking something by having a common goal and a common purpose and can influence the person, simile much in use people in literature, movie, song, and others to make people interested and make one to think about what purpose that would convey or in writing. let alone us is around a student in linguistics, then we have to study it in depth.

  11. good article but what do you think if proverb used to describe a negative intents?

  12. good article rido,what the purpose we study about simile? and give me expert by simile! thanks

    1. Thanks revi for visit my blog and leave question too. Okk i try to answer ur question

      I think we learn a simile purpose is so that we can know more than any figure of speech that exists and we can understand what the purpose of the use of similes both in speech and in writing, for all countries using different figure of speech simile. and foremost we should be able to master all the figure of speech because we are students in the field of language.

      And im sorry i cant find some expert to explain purpose simile. Thankss i hope u understand

  13. Hahhaha..Great, if we talking about simile, we kmow about as or than, i have a little question for you ajo, if someone tell about simile to you and you are not understand the mean, what do you do?

  14. Hahhaha..Great, if we talking about simile, we kmow about as or than, i have a little question for you ajo, if someone tell about simile to you and you are not understand the mean, what do you do?

    1. Thankss dayu for visit my blog and u leave me question, i try to answer ur question:

      Tell about material simile or use simile dayu? I dont get main poit for u question, ok2 maybe u question use simile, if i dont understand what who say to use simile, can be confused for me, but i do something to understand i dont forget to key from simile such as "like or as"

  15. Nice blog ido, but I want ask question, is simile easy to use more than metaphor?

    1. Thanks shella for visit my blog and leave question too, iwanna to try answer your question:

      I thinks so use simile or methaphor same easy, but of course have different characteristic both , simile have key "like and as" but metaphor not use key "like and as" use metaphor more easy .

  16. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  17. can you tell us example of simile in lyric of song and mention the tittle?

    1. Thanks for visit my blog silvia and u leave me question too, i try to answer ur question:
      Lirik Lagu Cheerleader - Omi

      When I need motivation
      My one solution is my queen
      Cause she' stay strong (yeah yeah)
      She is always in my corner
      Right there when I want her
      All these other girls are tempting
      But I'm empty when you're gone
      And they say

      Do you need me
      Do you think I'm pretty
      Do I make you feel like cheating
      And I'm like no, not really cause

  18. What is the simile used when comparing to dust? And what does that comparison imply?

    Something similar to "as slick as a fox"


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