" Make yourself as an explorer, then the world will be your handheld with yourself "

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2016

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)  Psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

Freud was an Austrian neurologist who comes from an expert and the founder of psychoanalysis, which has created an approach to understanding the human personality. He is one of the influential people in the expert thought the 20th century as well as someone who is controversial at the time.

The original name of this expert is Sigismund, then in that era occurred a change in name (ie Sigmund) Freud was born on May 6, 1856 in Freiberg, Moravia (now Pribor in the Czech Republic). His father was a merchant Sigmund. Later the family moved to Leipzig and settled in wina, there was Sigmund was educated by his family. Freud family that came of the Jews.

In 1873, Freud began to study medicine at the University of Vienna. After graduation, he worked in one of the langusng General Hospital in Vienna. He collaborated with Josef Breuer in treating hysteria by the recall of a painful experience under hypnosis. In 1885, Freud then went back to Paris to continue his studies as a student of neurologist Jean Charcot. After finishing school Freud returned to Vienna. Until wina Freud established a private practice house, treating people in nerve and brain disorders. Later the same year she married Marith and had six children.

Freud developed a theory that every human being has a conscious mind in which sexual and aggressive impulses in a conflict in every human being. In 1897, Freud began to analyze the theory of intensive. In 1900, Freud made a book called "The Interpretation of Dreams' and published in which Freud was analyzing dreams in terms of subconscious desire and experience to someone.

In 1902, Freud was appointed Professor of neuropathology at the University of Vienna, and Freud served until 1938. Although many pros and the contract is coming from the medical establishment who do not agree with a lot of theories have him remove the present, but still there is a group of disciples and followers who agree with Freud's theory. Then In 1910, the International Psychoanalytic Association, founded by Carl Jung, is a close associate of Freud, who served as president. Then when it was Jung out of such associations and the schism between Freud and Jung with them to develop theories, respectively.

In 1933, the Nazis publicly burned a book by Freud. Not long from that incident Freud left Vienna and counterparties to London ogether his wife and daughter.

After World War One happened, Freud had spent little time in researching and clinical observation and concentrated on the application of the theories that have been diciptakanya in the fields of history, art, literature and anthropology. And In 1923, Freud published a study of 'The Ego and the Id', which mencerikan and show a new structural model contained in a mind and soul of man, which is divided into three parts, namely 'ID, EGO and SUPER EGO. All that evolved gradually in people's lives.

v  ID is a component of the primitive and instinctive personality in humans. It consists of all the biological component of human-like personality at birth, sex, instinct - Eros (libido), and aggressive (death) instinct - Thanatos.

v  EGO is developed in order to mediate between the id realistic and external real world. Ideally ego cooperate on the grounds.

v  SUPER EGO is combining values ​​and moral human being obtained from the parents and the people around it. This happens in humans at the age of 3-5 years during the phallic stage of psychosexual development.

Freud died on 23 September 1939 was diagnosed with cancer of the jaw in 1923, and has underwent more than 30 operations. Freud is an expert on psychoanalysis, with various theories and studies issued on methods for treating mental illness in humans and as well as on theories that explain the development of human behavior.

Founder of psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud :

Ø  Theory of Psychosexual 
Ø  DevelopmentThe Id, Ego, and Superego
Ø  Dream interpretation
Ø  Free association

Books by Sigmund Freud :

ü  Studies on Hysteria (with Josef Breuer, 1895)
ü  The Interpretation of Dreams (1899)
ü  The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (1901)
ü  Three Essays on the Theory of - Sexuality (1905)
ü  Introduction to Psychoanalysis (1917)
ü  Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920)
ü  The Ego and the Id (1923)
ü  The Future of an Illusion (1927)

Rabu, 21 September 2016



Discourse is generally used to designate the forms of representation, codes, conventions and habits of language that produce specific fields of culturally and historically located meanings.
Discourse is “Systems of thoughts composed of ideas, attitudes, and courses of action, beliefs and practices that systematically construct the subjects and the worlds of which they speak.”
Discourse is "the discipline devoted to the investigation of the relationship between form and function in verbal communication"
Discourse is ways of constituting knowledge, together with the social practices, forms of subjectivity and power relations which inhere in such knowledges and relations between them. Discourses are more than ways of thinking and producing meaning. They constitute the 'nature' of the body, unconscious and conscious mind and emotional life of the subjects they seek to govern (Weedon, 1987, p. 108).
A discourse is an instance of language use whose type can be classified on the basis of such factors as grammatical and lexical choices and their distribution in

  •  main versus supportive materials
  • theme
  • style, and
  • the framework of knowledge and expectations within which the addressee interprets the discourse.

Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it
Analysis is this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its essential features and their relations:
the grammatical analysis of a sentence.

The process by which sense and meaning are made of the data gathered in qualitative research, and by which the emergent knowledge is applied to clients' problems.
Analysis is a form of expository writing in which the writer separates a subject into its elements or parts.
The definition of analysis is the process of breaking down a something into its parts to learn what they do and how they relate to one another.

Discourse analysis is sometimes defined as the analysis of language 'beyond the sentence'. This contrasts with types of analysis more typical of modern linguistics, which are chiefly concerned with the study of grammar: the study of smaller bits of language, such as sounds (phonetics and phonology), parts of words (morphology), meaning (semantics), and the order of words in sentences (syntax). Discourse analysts study larger chunks of language as they flow together.
Discourse analysis (DA), or discourse studies, is a general term for a number of approaches to analyze written, vocal, or sign language use, or any significant semiotic event.
Discourse analysis is a primarily linguistic study examining the use of language by its native population whose major concern is investigating language functions along with its forms, produced both orally and in writing.

Discourse analysis is a method of seeking in any connected discrete linear material, whether language or language-like, which contains more than one elementary sentence, some global structure char­acterizing the whole discourse (the linear material), or large sections of it.
Discourse Analysis is the area of linguistics that is concerned with how we build up meaning in the larger communicative rather than grammatical units; meaning in a text, paragraph, conversation, etc, rather than in a single sentence.

Discourse is commonly used express a form of representation, codes, conventions and customs in a language and to produce a particular field and have a system of mind as ideas, attitudes, and beliefs. and perform certain social practices and cultural and historical significance and functions in verbal communication and can be done with the factors clarification or grammatical and lexical selection of a phenomenal causing any language.

            Analysis is a process of solving a topic or issue that will be analyzed by conducting quantitative research in order to get a problem where the writing of data ekspositasi separating the subject into elements and learn how they relate to one another.

            Discourse Analysis (DA) is an area of ​​linguistics related about the study in grammar as it sounds, words, or phrases and symbols that will generate a message or can be a number of approaches in the form of writing, vocals, text, a conversation, a sign of the use of language and symbols used the indigenous population who investigated both function and form produced orally althougt writings are not looking for a mistake but are looking for a phenomenon that occurs in a language.

Selasa, 21 Juni 2016

Jumat, 17 Juni 2016



Submitted as One of Assignments of English Specific Purpose course
Taught by Indah Muzdalifah Sukirman, M.Pd

By :
                  Class : IV A English

JUNY 2016


Praise and gratitude I prayed to God Almighty for all his gifts so that I can complete Analysis English Syllabus in Law Sciences Department at Univesity of Lancang Kuning this well. I am grateful to Ms. Indah Muzdalifa Sukirman, M. Pd as a lecturer in English specific purpose (ESP), which has given me the opportunity to prepare the analysis of this syllabus as an individual task this course.

            Not to forget I also wish to thank friends FKIP English IV class A and all who have helped me in completing the analysis of this syllabus. Hopefully analysis of this syllabus with the title " THE ANALYSIS SYLLABUS OF ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSE (ESP) IN ENGLISH SYLLABUS USED IN LAW SCIENCES DEPARTMENT AT UNIVERSITY OF LANCANG KUNING” can be accepted by the reader and also to increase knowledge of the author and the reader on the analysis of the syllabus of the faculty of law in writing this syllabus analysis, the authors realize there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, both in terms of writing, and also material.

 Therefore, I expect criticism and suggestions from readers for the future as a learning and improvement. Hopefully this can be a useful analytical syllabus and broaden the reader as well as an author.




This analysis was conducted to find out contruct of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in Englsh Syllabus used in Law Sciences Department at University of Lancang Kuning Pekanbaru. There are one syllabus to be analyzed in this research.

Keywords:English Specific Purposes (ESP), Syllabus


A.    Background of the Analysis

            English For Specific Purposes (ESP) or English for special purposes is a new approach in the teaching and use of English for specific fields and studies in accordance with the needs of the science and profession of the English language. Science and the profession eg English for legal science, medicine, engineering, economics, or other maritime and as his. Robinson goes on to say "It (here ESP) is Generally used to refer to the teaching and learning of a foreign language for a Cleary itilitarian purpose of the which there is no doubt."

           Thus, teaching English for Special Purposes (English For Specific Purposes ESP) have different approaches and assumptions with General English (GE), for example. The purpose of ESP is that students are able to master English in the field they studied. For example chemistry student, then they have to understand English to chemistry, or if they were engineering students, they have to know English to engineering, or if they worked in the hospitality, then they must master English hospitality, if they are students of maritime, then theyshould master English maritime.

           ESP is commonly used in the teaching of foreign languages ​​for specific uses in the field of science and certain professions. This objective is generally understood as a benefit in the role of language Inggirs it sebaga tool communicates both oral and written. Therefore, ESP should be seen as an approach, the concepts and methods that are different from the English general (General English) .ESP is an approach to teaching English that has the approach, perception, design, materials, and evaluation of different purposes. ESP material refers to the needs of students (students' needs) and the graduates themselves. The same thing was said by Mc Donough on definitions and concepts ESP. He argues "ESP Reviews those are courses where the syllabus and materials are determined in all essentials by prior analysis of the communication needs of the  learners.

          Donough opinion indicates that the material and syllabus and tujuanESP should be designed and developed based on the needs of students and graduates as well as their college students and when they will work teaching materials or teaching materials should be appropriate to their needs. So the ESP approach is bottom-up approach (button up approach).

          With the above description, it can be concluded that the ESP is not a new product, but an approach to learning English that is different from the English public. ESP refers to the English language learning oriented specific needs of learners in accordance with science and work. ESP-based materials and developed based on a needs analysis.

B.     Limitation of the Analysis

         Base on the identification above, the analysis focused on the English Specific Purpose (ESP) in English sillabus used in all class Law Sciences Department at University of Lancang Kuning Pekanbaru.

C.    Formulation of the problem Analysis

   Base on limitation of problem analysis above, the problem analysis was formulated as follows : Are English Syllabus used by English lecturers in law sciences departement at university of Lancang Kuning Pekanbaru relevant to ESP?

D.    The Purposes of the Analysis

   This analysis aimed at finding the answer to the questions stated in the formulation of problem analysis. Thus, the purpose of the analysis was: to find out whether the English syllabus use by English Lecturers in law sciences departement at university of Lancang Kuning Pekanbaru relevant to ESP.

E.     Importance of the Analysis

   There were some importance of this analysis which are contributed as mentioned below:
a.       English lecturers
Improve lectures’ knowledge in which ESP context is student.
b.      Researcher
For the researcher is to increase the ability in English especially in ESP


       I.            Profile  Faculty of Law Lancang Kuning   University

A.  A Brief History

             As a region which has the potential of natural resources, Riau relatively not able to explore and utilize optimally. It was caused by the various fakor inhibitors include the relatively low quality of human resources available. Although slowly been held efforts to improve the situation, among others, the establishment of various centers of education, both formal and non-formal start from the primary level to college

            Based on the phenomenon in 1982 raised the idea of ​​the Governor of the Province of Riau as the main support of establishing the college as one means to provide an opportunity for local people who have the talent and intellectual potential, but can not be accommodated by public universities, as well as local talent, the conditions relatively weak economy.

            Private college is named Lancang Kuning University was established on June 9, 1982 with the foundation of Raja Ali Haji as its main patron. At its inception Lancang Kuning University consists of five faculties, namely:
1.      Faculty of Administration
2.      Faculty of Economics
3.      Faculty of Engineering
4.      Faculty of Agriculture
5.      Faculty            of Law
During that period, the Faculty of Law has three (3) departments of:
6.      Department of Civil.
7.      Department of Criminal
8.      The Department of Constitutional law
            Based on the Decree of the Minister of Education No. 17 / D / 0/1993 on New Curriculum Studies Program of Law, Faculty of Law knows only one program of study, the Science Program of Law as a means of channeling interests and talents held two (2) program of specificity, are majoring in law practitioners and majoring in law business. Currently, based on the curriculum 2010-2011 Lancang Kuning University Faculty of Law focuses on the study of business law and administrative law.

 Subsequent developments which can be used as a pride for the entire academic community, including employees of the Faculty of Law, based on the Decree on the National Accreditation Board 002 / BAN- PT / AK-II / XII / 1998 Faculty of Law acquire the status of Accredited. Thus the Faculty of Law has a predicate that is equivalent to the Faculty of the State University with many amenities independence in carrying out the Tri Dharma College.

B. Development Status

            As a private University, Faculty of Law, University of Lancang Kuning (UNILAK) gained the status of Accredited by the Decree of the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education with SK BAN PT No.002 / BAN / AK-II / XII / 1998. In a further development of the Faculty of Law, University Lancang Kuning (UNILAK) continuously equip educational facilities, and conduct planning educational programs according to the needs and demands of society, so until now the Faculty of Law, University of Lancang Kuning (UNILAK) still get a good assessment and successfully defend accredited status.

            In 2002 the Faculty of Law, University of Lancang Kuning (Unilak) gained accreditation degan value B, based on a decree of the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education with SK.BAN PT No. 004 / BAN-PT / AK-V / S.1 / IV / 2002. In the following year when the accreditation period ending in 2007, the Faculty of Law seeks to apply for accreditation Unilak back with the results of accreditation of B is still maintained by SK BAN PT No. 017 / BAN-PT / AK-X / S1 / VII / 2007.

           In August 2012 Accreditation of the Faculty of Law will end in the forward projections, the accreditation of the Faculty of Law University of Lancang Kuning (UNILAK) pursued and targeted in order to obtain accreditation A (excellent). To that end a number of measures have been prepared in order to realize the projections and targets for the future. Such as the establishment of the Faculty of Law University Accreditation Lancang Kuning (Unilak), inventory data / accreditation forms and so forth as well as the support and cooperation of the entire academic community.

Vision, Mission, and Goal Faculty of Law Lancang Kuning Univesity  


            The realization of the law faculty quality and competitiveness at the national level
in the field of study business law and administrative law with empowerment
and the potential development of local, regional, and global basis of values
Malay culture, Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.


1. Improving the quality of learning to produce graduates who are professionals,
    quality, and competitive on a national scale in the areas of business law and
    constitutional law.

2. Conducting research in the study of business law and constitutional law
    countries with a development potential of local and global in order
    development and dissemination of science and technology.

3. Carry out community service activities in the field of law business and administrative law  in the context of the transformation of science law to the public.

3. AIM

1.  To produce quality graduates, qualified    professionally in the field of business law and   administrative law, insightful, morals, noble, cultured wither, and was able to compete at the national level.

2.   Develop the science of law, especially business law and administrative            law in order to participate enriched jurisprudence for development        regional and    national    levels.

3.   Create a good infrastructure and can support the process learning to produce quality graduates and    competitive nationwide.

4.    Produce research in the study of business law and administrative law   that can be a reference and useful for people, development of the    law regional and national levels, and support the learning process of law.

5. Increase the legal knowledge society in the study of business law and
    constitutional law through community service programs.

    II.            Content Analysis English Syllabus in Law Department Univesity of lancang kuning


Mata Kuliah                : Bahasa Inggris
Program Studi             : Ilmu Hukum
Semester / SKS           : I / 2 sks
Dosen                          : TIM PENGAJAR
Kemampuan Akhir Yang Diharapkan            : Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menggunakan konsep linguistik dan mengerti pesan tentang    hukum dalam Bahasa Inggris serta dapat mencari kesamaan kata yang lebih dekat dengan Bahasa Indonesia dan dapat menterjemahkan pesan tersebut ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia dengan benar.









I s.d II

Mampu menggunakan kata kata dalam percakapan sehari- hari
1.      Introduction
1.1    Greeting
1.2    Asking condition
1.3    Parting Expressions
1.4    Expression of pardon
1.5    Expression of gratitude
1.6    Occupations and profession
1.7    Adjective
1.8    At, on, in with expression of time
1.9    In The end At
1.9    Meals
1.10  Partities
2       Put,stir,eat cut, drink,spoon knife,fork
2.1    Adverb of Frequency
2.3    What kind of,like and want
2.4    How much, Tax, change Money


Performance, kejelasan, ketepatan pengucapan dalam komunikasi



III s.d IV

Dapat mengunakan struktural point dalam situasi lain
3       Number
3.1    Cardinal Number
3.2    Ordinal Number
3.3    On with date
3.4    Simple Past Tense
3.5    Time Expressions of Simple Past   Tense
3.6     Early, On time, late
4        Adresses At,On,In
4.1     To the store, To school, home
4.2     Quastion word
4.3     Near, Far from, the next evening
4.4     Drugstore, Bank, Library

Brainstorming dan Diskusi kelompok

Performance, ketepatan. Kejelasan dan kemahiran dalam Komunikasi



V  s.d VI

Dapat mengunakan tenses dalam situasi yang tepat
5.      Tenses
5.1    Present Progressive Tenses
5.2    Simple Future/ Be going to
5.3    Time expression future
6.      Place
6.1    Dormitory, Boarding house, etc
6.2    Telling a story


Performance, ketepatan. Kejelasan dan kemahiran dalam komunikasi




Dapat mengunakan tenses dalam kalimat dengan benar
7.     Quantity
7.1   Quantity and number expressions
7.2   Distance and time expressions
8.     Present Progressive
8.1   Using the Present Progressive with always
8.2   In addition to always
8.3   Using Expression of Place with Progressive tenses

Brainstorming, Diskusi kelompok dan Demostrasi

Performance, ketepatan. Kejelasan dan kemahiran










X s.d XII

Mampun mengunakan kata-kata dalam kalimat dengan benar
10.     Daily Activities
10.1   Make, Do
10.2   Evening Activities
11.     Family Relation ship
11.1   Parents, children, son, daughter
12.     Introduction to people
12.1   Adverb
12.2   Midsentence Adverb

Brainstorming, Diskusi kelompok dan Demontrasi

Performance, ketepatan. Kejelasan dan kemahiran dalam komunikasi




Mampu memahami, menganalis dan mengunakan kata-kata dalam kalimat dengan benar
13.     Modal Auxalary
13.1   Can, May, Will, Shall ,etc
13.2   Similar Expressions
13.3   Phrasal verb ( two – word and three word verbs )
13.4   Seprable Phrasal Verb
13.5   Take, Expect Hope, Wait for, Have to, etc
14.     Noun and Adjective
14.1   The Character of noun and adjective
14.2   Count, and Non Count Nouns
14.3   Non Count Nouns
14.4   Like,Look like, Look, How with Be
14.4   Catch/Caught and Have/ Has/ Had
14.5   Ache and Sore
14.6   Get in / Out of and get on / off

Brainstorming dan diskusi kelompok

Performance, ketepatan. Kejelasan dan kemahiran dalam komunikasi




Mampu memahami teks mengenai hukum dalam bahsa Inggris dan memindahkannya ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan benar
15. Sixteen tenses
15.1 Translation
15.2 The process of Translation
15.3 The Diagram
15.4 The Different kinds of meaning in Language

Brainstorming dan diskusi kelompok

Performance, ketepatan. Kejelasan dan kemahiran dalam komunikasi




Ujian Akhir Semester





Azar, Bitty Schrampfer, 1993, Fundamentals Of English Grammar, Binarupa Aksara, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
Azar, Bitty Schrampfer, 1989, Undestanding and Using English Grammar, Prentice Hall Regents, USA
Frankiin Harry B, 1990, Vocabulary In  Context, Binarupa Aksara, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
Richard, Jack C, 1985, Person to Person, Oxford Universtiy Press, London
Suryawinata, Zuchrldin, 1987, Transaliton, Karunika Jakarta
http://biotech.law. isu.edu/Books/Holmes/claw04.htm.
                                                SYLLABUS  / DESIGN OF LEARNING


Subjects                              : English
Study Program                  : Law Science
Semester / Credits              : I / 2 credits
Lecturer                              : TEAM TEACHING
End Capabilities Expected : Students are able to understand and use the concept of linguistic and understand  message about the law in English and can search for common words that is closer to the Indonesian and can translate the message into Indonesian properly.

1.      Students demanded to be able to use words in everyday conversation.
2.      Students are required to use the structural point in another situation.
3.      Students are required to use tenses in the right situation.
4.      Students are required to use tenses in a sentence correctly.
5.      Students are required mampun use the words in sentences correctly.
6.      Students demanded to be able to understand, analyze and use the words in sentences correctly.
7.      Students demanded to be able to understand the text of the law in English language support and move it into Indonesian properly.


1. Introduction
1.1 Greeting
1.2 Asking condition
1.3 Parting Expressions
1.4 Expression of pardon
1.5 Expression of Gratitude
1.6 Occupations and profession
1.7 Adjective
1.8 At, on, in with expressions of time
1.9 In the end At
1.9 Meals
1:10 Partities
2 Put, stir, cut eat, drink, spoon knife, fork
2.1 Adverb of Frequency
2.3 What kind of, like and want
2.4 How much, Tax, Money change

3 Number
3.1 Cardinal Number
3.2 Ordinal Number
3.3 On with date
3.4 Simple Past Tense
3.5 Time Expressions of Simple Past Tense
3.6 Early, On time, late
4 adresses At, On, In
4.1 To the store, To school, home
4.2 quastion word
4.3 Near, Far from, the next evening
4.4 Drugstore, Bank, Library

5. tenses
5.1 Present Progressive tenses
5.2 Simple Future / Be going to
5.3 Time expression futures
6. Place
6.1 Dormitory, Boarding house, etc
6.2 Telling a story

7. Quantity
7.1 Quantity and number expressions
7.2 Distance and time expressions
8. Present Progressive
8.1 Using the Present Progressive with always
8.2 In addition to always
8.3 Using Expression of Place with Progressive tenses


10. Daily Activities
10.1 Make, Do
10.2 Evening Activities
11. Family Relation ship
11.1 Parents, children, son, daughter
12. Introduction to people
12.1 Adverb
12.2 Midsentence Adverb

13. Capital Auxalary
13.1 Can, May, Will, Shall, etc
13.2 Similar Expressions
13.3 Phrasal verb (two - word and three-word verbs)
13.4 Seprable Phrasal Verb
13.5 Take, Expect Hope, Wait for, Have to, etc
14. Noun and Adjective
14.1 The Character of noun and adjective
14.2 Count, and Non Count Nouns
14.3 Non Count Nouns
14.4 Like, Look like, Look, How with Be
14.4 Catch / Caught and Have / Has / Had
14.5 Ache and Sore
14.6 Get in / out of and get on / off

15. Sixteen tenses
15.1 Translation
15.2 The process of Translation
15.3 The Diagram
15.4 The Different kinds of meaning in Language



1.      Brainstorming.
2.      Brainstorming and Discussion.
3.      Brainstorming.
4.      Brainstorming, group discussion and demonstration.
5.      Brainstorming, group discussion and demonstration.
6.      Brainstorming and group discussion.
7.      Brainstorming and group discussion.


1.      Performance, clarity, accuracy of pronunciation in communication.
2.      Performance, precision. Clarity and proficiency in Communication.
3.      Performance, precision. Clarity and proficiency in communication.
4.      Performance, precision. Clarity and finesse.
5.      Performance, precision. Clarity and proficiency in communication.
6.      Performance, precision. Clarity and proficiency in communication.
7.      Performance, precision. Clarity and proficiency in communication.


1.      15
2.      15
3.      15
4.      15
5.      10
6.      15
7.      15

According to the course syllabus of English is in the science of law was taught in faculty of law in university of Lancang Kuning in the first semeter a very supportive to help the students in the first semester, because we are not much different in the material language support English general who taught in faculties other than faculty of law, why because these are basic materials that must be understood by students of law science.

            And material that are taught can be set with the base material in the form of tenses, modal auxilary , and its other, thus explaining the grammatical form and use in daily conversation in the learning process at the faculty of            law.

            in his study at the faculty of law at the level of the first half of the learning materials that do not have such complex levels like      :
1.2 Asking       condition
1.3Parting        Expressions
1.4Expression of         pardon
1.5 Expression of        Gratitude
1.6 Occupations and   profession
1.8 At, on, in with expressions of       time
1.9 In the end  At

2 Put, stir, cut eat, drink, spoon knife,            fork
2.1 Adverb of Frequency
2.3 What kind of, like and      want
2.4 How much, Tax, Money   change

3.1 Cardinal    Number
3.2 Ordinal      Number
3.3 On with     date
3.4 Simple Past           Tense
3.5 Time Expressions of Simple Past  Tense
3.6 Early, On time,      late
4 adresses At, On,       In
4.1 To the store, To school,     home
4.2 quastion     word
4.3 Near, Far from, the next   evening
4.4 Drugstore, Bank,   Library

            And at the end of this course the student must follow the forms of learning such as: Brainstorming and discussion groups. and also should be required to achieve the purpose of the assessment criteria are specified as: Performance, clarity, accuracy of pronunciation in communications and will be scored on every subject who follow such weight value (15) as well as the ability Weekend Expected namely: Students are able to understand and using linguistic concepts and understand the message about the law in English and can search for common words that is closer to the Indonesian and can translate the message into Indonesian by correct.
So I think the learning syllabus is suitable for law school in the process learning in the first half level, because the material taught is English speaking, and there is a connection in english specific purposes in the science of law.

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